"Ora disse o Senhor...: Sê tu uma benção!"

O Senhor te fala e lhe dá promessas. Confia nEle e as promessas se cumprirão em tua vida. Muitas vezes pode parecer absurdo e insano largar tudo para trás. Na nossa terra há amigos, família, conforto e apoio. Porém não é este o mundo em que vivemos. O mundo em que vivemos precisa de bençãos e essas bençãos somos nós. Nós somos os que Deus usa para levar conforto e paz e compartilhar a salvação através de Jesus Cristo. Como conhecerão a Verdade se conosco não aprenderem? Verdade esta que nos impulciona a fazer o bem sem olhar a quem.

Servir este ano em Moçambique será um grande desafio mas eu tenho a promessa de que Cristo estará sempre comigo até o fim e melhor companhia não pode existir.

O que espero deste ano? Ver o poder de Deus se manifestar; respeitar o povo ao meu redor; agradecer, ser paciente, ouvir; construir pontes, relacionamentos; rir muito; encontrar maneiras de adorar meu Deus de dia e de noite; dar graças; não temer o novo e ousar sempre.

Deus me abençoará e serei uma benção!

terça-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2011

January Showers

Summer rains are a great God’s wonder. Here is the rain season right now. It rains almost every day but the last two days and nights the rains don’t stop. Last night was one of the best ones I have spent here. It started raining at about 6pm. It was the guard’s day off, so only women at the center. I went for a shower late and just before the rain started, but once I was in the "bathroom" the rain came down and since we don’t have a roof in there it was more a rain shower than a bucket one. But anyway I finished and tried to dry myself. When I got to the room I was soaked wet and then I decided to join the night and dance in the rain. I got my shampoo and washed my hair right in the middle of the center, right there, the rain and me. Soon the girls were all there, singing and dancing on their underwears. We had soooooooooooo much fun. The darkness of the night came very soon and being without clothes didn’t matter. We sang and danced for two hours without a break. The rain also didn’t give up and it was a rain shower night. We were all soaking but we didn’t care. We played and laughed and celebrated the blessing God had sent us. Today wasn’t different the rain came down and we were very tempted to join in. As the guard was around we didn’t go much further but we had some fun. Being here and having the opportunity to share laughters is more than na experience is the time to feel I am alive and I enjoy the girls as much as they enjoy having me around.
One more month is about to end but for sure this january is going to be very memorable.

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